Huh? Red? Which Red? What Red?
Ah, that Red! Okay so at first sight, isn’t it one of the primary colors, that we link with the color of love? But it could be seen as a sign of danger, depending on where you see Red…
So Red does have a physical form?
“Red. is here fellas!”
“Red is. here fellas!”
“Red is here. fellas!
“Red is here fellas!!!”
Comes a voice as deep as the earth’s core like it had a heartbeat, a pulse, that gradually gets louder as soon as the Red arrives…
The voice was also flickering like car backlights in a very rhythmic and steady motion, again like a pulse, almost in sync with one heartbeat.
Why must one Heart beat?
You know SRK (Shah Rukh Khan) from Bollywood asked that question too, and they made a song about it.
It goes something like this;
“Dill kyun dhak dhak karta hai?”
one might sing when they read this part IRL
So in the end, what forms does Red take?
At a final glance, Red is still what and which you see of it:
The color of love — or danger, depending on where Red resides..
-Princella A. Gill